Romanian Unionists Set For ‘Serious Talks’ On Holiday Tickets Issue
“Gift vouchers and holiday tickets must be further granted. Should this intent of the government target only presidents of agencies, the people at the top of the pyramid – who don’t spend their vacation in Romania anyway -, then we agree, but if it targets all employees, then we can’t accept this,” said Marius Petcu, president of CNSLR-Fratia trade union.
Aurel Cornea, vice-president of CSDR union, said in his turn that the government’s intention represents an abuse, as the matter should have been discussed first with the social partners.
“This is also a blunder of the Executive, which shows lack of professionalism, because a month ago (the government) passed an ordinance to grant those tickets and now it wants to cut them back,” Cornea said.
Romanian authorities plan to suspend gift vouchers and holiday tickets for employees in the public sector by the end of the year, ministry sources told MEDIAFAX Friday.
They said the government already drew up a draft emergency ordinance on the matter.
The government approved in February the introduction of holiday tickets for employees and set their value at up to six gross minimum wages a ticket. Romania’s minimum gross wage is currently set at 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.1893) per month.
Last week, Romanian MPs passed the bill in Senate.