Romanian Ruling Party Pushes Public Servants’ Statute Through Lower Chamber

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday, with 172 pros, no cons and no abstentions the draft law on the Statute of Public Servants, while the two main opposition parties, PNL and PSD were absent from the proceedings.


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Romanian Ruling Party Pushes Public Servants’ Statute Through Lower Chamber

The vote was cast through a show of hands, and not electronically, at the request of democrat liberal (PDL) group leader Mircea Toader.

Before voting, attendance was checked through a roll call, also held at Toader's request.

Chamber Secretary Dumitru Pardau (PDL), who performed the roll call, said there were 174 MPs present in the room, while the number of MPs needed for the enactment of the draft law was 167.

During voting, 172 MPs voted in favor of passing the law, thus Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase dubbed the document adopted.

Chamber Secretary Valeriu Zgonea (PSD) challenged the outcome of the roll call, saying that Pardau included MPs who were not present in the room.

Zgonea also criticized the fact that the document was passed through a show of hands.

Social democrat (PSD) and liberal (PNL) MPs did not attend the proceedings, as protest against the fact that this document and its voting was forced on the agenda, and the report of the Administration Committee was also compiled in an "illegitimate" fashion.

The two main opposition parties, PNL and PSD, said they will challenge the passed document in the Constitutional Court, claiming breaches of regulations in the voting and passing procedures.

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