Romanian Ruling Party To Nominate New Labor Minister After Party Elections On May 14
Romania’s ruling Democratic Liberal Party will nominate a new labor minister after its May 14 congress to elect a new party leader, party vice-president Gheorghe Flutur said Monday.
35 viewsRomanian Ruling Party To Nominate New Labor Minister After Party Elections On May 14
"The nomination for the Labor Ministry will be made during the first meeting of a newly elected Standing Office, after the party convention of May 14-15," Flutur said after a party meeting.
Prime Minister Emil Boc is currently acting labor minister following the resignation of Ioan Botis, on April 20, amid suspicions of involvement in a conflict of interests raised by the fact that his wife was an adviser on an EU and Government-funded project.
Botis is currently under investigation by the country's integrity agency and anti-fraud department.
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