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Romanian Self-Financed Public Institutions Exempt From Meal Voucher Ban

Romanian public institutions financed entirely through their own means, such as schools and hospitals, will be allowed to grant meal vouchers to their employees, an exception to the rule imposed by the Government as of next year.
Romanian Self-Financed Public Institutions Exempt From Meal Voucher Ban
29 dec. 2009, 12:39, English

The Government will forbid public institutions from granting meal vouchers in 2010 but institutions financed entirely from their own revenue are exempt from this rule. The decision was confirmed through an emergency ordinance approved last week, in the Cabinet’s first meeting after receiving the Parliament’s confidence vote.

The first draft of the state budget for 2010 stated all public institutions will be forbidden from issuing meal vouchers, with no exceptions.

Autonomous public institutions financed entirely from their own revenue include the National Securities Commission and the Insurance Supervision Commission.