Romanian Senate Approves Amendment To Statute Of Privates And NCOs

The Romanian Senate adopted Monday a draft law amending Law 384/2006 on the Statute of privates and non-commissioned officers, with Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea endorsing the draft in the Senate’s plenum.


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Romanian Senate Approves Amendment To Statute Of Privates And NCOs

The draft was adopted unanimously and described by Oprea as an issue of national interest. It makes several improvements to the Statute, such as increasing the maximum age of duty to 45, from 40, according to the Defense Ministry.

Also, seniority as a private will be taken into account when calculating the pension. Privates in reserve will receive free health care, and disabled personnel will receive a disability pension, according to Law no. 164/2001 on military state pensions.

Time spent on missions outside Romanian borders will be considered double for the purposes of calculating seniority, as per the amendment.

At the moment, privates and non-commissioned officers may only take part in professional training courses. The amendment will allow them to enroll in any form of civilian higher education. Also, privates will be able to freely transfer between units on request, not only in the interest of service, as currently provided.

Minister Oprea expressed the Ministry's concern for the rights of the Romanian military, even in these difficult times, adding that the Ministry is considering several legislative initiatives aimed at young military personnel.

According to the Defense Ministry, this military category - privates and non-commissioned officers - was created in 1990. First called military hired on the basis of contracts, they were one of the stages in moving away from conscription, towards a professional military.

Law 384/2006 on the Statute of privates and non-commissioned officers regulated their status in the Romanian Armed Forces and granted them additional rights. The maximum age of duty was 40 years.

At present, privates and non-commissioned officers make up around 40% of the total military force. Most of them serve in the Land Forces.

The Senate was the deciding chamber on this draft law; it will be sent to the President for promulgation.

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