Romanian Senate Lowers Rents For Low-Income Tenants In State Protocol Buildings

Romanian senators Tuesday adopted a draft act stipulating that low-income tenants in buildings administrated by the state protocol authority RA-APPS will benefit from lower rents.


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Romanian Senate Lowers Rents For Low-Income Tenants In State Protocol Buildings

Senators adopted draft act no. 47/2008, completing act no. 9/2008, which stipulates that rents cannot exceed 15% of the monthly net income per family if the monthly average net income per family member does not exceed the average monthly net wage per economy. 
Moreover, the law stipulates that if the monthly net income per family member ranges between the average monthly net wage per economy and its double value, then, the monthly rent cannot exceed 25% of the monthly net income per family.
The law also stipulates that if rents were not paid in due time, they will be re-calculated without imposing any penalties whatsoever for the delay.
The draft act was adopted by the government on April 21 and targets tenants in state protocol buildings whose monthly incomes amount to RON1,200 tops.

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