Romanian singer Anca Parghel died Friday morning at the County Hospital in Timisoara, western Romania.
Romanian Singer Anca Parghel Loses Fight To Cancer, Dies At 51s
According to the hospital’s intensive care unit manager, Dorel Sandesc, Parghel was committed to hospital Thursday afternoon with metastatic ovarian cancer. She died soon after her commitment to hospital. She was 51.
Parghel was born in Campulung Moldovenesc, northern Romania, in 1957.
Throughout her career, she released over 15 albums, which made critics compare her to Peruvian soprano Yma Sumac, Greek soprano Maria Callas and to famous American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald.
She taught canto, piano and impromptu in Romania, Belgium, Germany and the Republic of Moldova. She also participated in great jazz festivals, and sang together with famous musicians.
Among her many releases are “Soul, My Secret Place” (1987), “Magic Bird”, cu Mircea Tiberian (1988), “Ron und Tania” (1991), “Is That So?” (1992), “Airballoon”, “Beautiful Colours”, “Carpathian Colours” (1994), “Jazz, My Secret Soul” (1994), “Indian Princess” (1995), “Midnight Prayer” (1996), “Primal Sound” (1999)
End June 2008, doctors confirmed Anca Parghel was suffering from ovarian cancer, after having won the fight against breast cancer.
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