Romanian Singer Madalina Manole Found Dead, Suicide Suspected

Romanian singer Madalina Manole was found dead Wednesday morning in her home in Otopeni, near Bucharest.


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Local police spokeswoman Claudia Burada, said a call was made to the emergency service reporting a 43 year-old woman had been found dead. The spokeswoman confirmed the deceased is singer Madalina Manole.

The singer's husband told authorities she had taken medication but autopsy results are expected to establish a cause of death.

Sources close to the investigation told MEDIAFAX the singer was found near the bathroom, in a pool of blood and her head was injured. Medics also found a bottle containing a yet unidentified chemical substance she is suspected to have drunk.

Paramedics found her in cardiac arrest and were unable to resuscitate her.

Three weeks ago, the singer is reported to have attempted to kill herself taking an overdose of ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Manole, who would have turned 43 on Wednesday, is survived by her husband and their two-year-old son.

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