Romanian SMEs Can Access EUR1B European Funds To Increase Competitiveness

Romanian small and medium sized enterprises, or SMEs, can access over the next four years, European funds of over EUR1 billion to increase economic competitiveness, said SME minister Ovidiu Silaghi.


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The minister for small and medium sized enterprises, commerce, tourism and liberal professions attended on Tuesday the seminar “Solutions for developing SMEs” that took place in northern county of Bistrita-Nasaud.

The minister said that companies can find out how to access these funds by purchasing the Applicant’s Guide that will be launched at the end of the month.

The Applicant’s Guide was drawn up and sent to Brussels to receive approval.

Silaghi said all observations coming from the European Union were taken in consideration and added that the Guide should be ready and on the market by the end of the month. “I trust the Romanian entrepreneur is inventive enough to access the funds,” the official said.

The minister said that businesspeople can submit three types of projects in view of obtaining funds from the EU: up to EUR10,000- for consultancy, then up to EUR250,000 regarding small investments and between EUR250,000 and EUR1.5 million for important projects.

The maximum sum to be accessed is of EUR1.5 million, which is 60% financed from European funds and 40% from own resources.

The minister said businesspeople can resort to contracting a banking loan in order to bring their 40% contribution to the project.

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