Romanian Social Dem Leader Proposes Deputy PM For Interior Min Interim

Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Monday he will ask Prime Minister Emil Boc to let deputy prime minister take over as interim interior minister after the party withdrew the political support of current minister Gabriel Oprea.


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Romanian Social Dem Leader Proposes Deputy PM For Interior Min Interim

"I will suggest to prime minster Boc, and I hope he agrees, to have social democrat deputy prime minister Dan Nica at the headship of the Interior Ministry until a new minister is appointed,” Geoana said.
He added the Social Democratic Party will call immediately for a party executive committee meeting to come up with a new contender for the interior minister position, which it will forward to the Parliament.
Social democrat leaders decided earlier Monday to withdraw Oprea’s political support and appoint another minister. Party leaders also proposed that Oprea be excluded from the party.

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