Romanian Social Dem Presidential Contender Confident To Win Dec 6 Runoff

Romanian social democrat presidential candidate Mircea Geoana, whom exit polls rank second in the presidential race after incumbent President Traian Basescu, said Sunday evening he worked hard to get this far and will work even harder to become president after the December 6 runoff.


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Romanian Social Dem Presidential Contender Confident To Win Dec 6 Runoff

"This is a good night for me," said Geoana and thanked those who voted for him and those who exercised their right to vote, even if they voted for other candidates.

"We have worked hard and we will work even harder and on December 6, we will win together," said Geoana, who also called for unity saying "what unites us is more important that what divides us."

According to the exit polls, Geoana and incumbent President Traian Basescu will face off in the runoff held on December 6, after a tight first round of elections.

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