Romanian Social Democrat Official Calls On Govt To Take Urgent Anti-Crisis Measures

Romanian social democrat lawmaker Viorel Hrebenciuc on Sunday said Romania risks facing an economic and social sideslip in the autumn unless the government takes urgent anti-crisis measures to prevent that.


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Romanian Social Democrat Official Calls On Govt To Take Urgent Anti-Crisis Measures

Hrebenciuc added the social democrats in the ruling coalition are waiting for an official standpoint from their democrat liberal coalition partners on Monday, July 20, with respect to the anti-crisis plan proposed by the social democrats.
According to Hrebenciuc, the social democrats are also waiting for an official standpoint from the country’s finance minister Gheorghe Pogea regarding the impact of eliminating the minimum yearly tax on revenue starting September 1, as well as other measures proposed by the social democrats.
He pointed out the social democrats proposed a series of important measures in their anti-crisis plan, namely, to eliminate the minimum yearly tax on revenue as of September 1, as well as to reduce both the value added tax (VAT) on food and electricity costs for household consumers.
In early July, democrat liberal economy minister Adriean Videanu deemed the introduction of the minimum tax a huge error, stressing the fiscal policy should not go down only to collecting taxes, but also to stimulating the country’s economy.
Prime Minister Emil Boc recently said the social democrats’ anti-crisis proposals will be thoroughly evaluated with respect to their financial impact and the engagements agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC).

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