Romanian Social Democrats’ Attitude Might Trigger Political Crisis – Democrat Liberal VP

Romanian social democrats refused to meet with ruling coalition partners democrat liberals Wednesday morning, which might trigger a political crisis for which the Social Democratic Party must take responsibility, democrat liberal vice-president Adriean Videanu said Wednesday.


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Romanian Social Democrats’ Attitude Might Trigger Political Crisis – Democrat Liberal VP

Videanu said democrat liberals regret that egos were more important than reason when the Social Democratic Party decided to refuse dialogue with the Democratic Liberal Party.

Democrat liberal Prime Minister Emil Boc called for a meeting of the coalition based on the collaboration protocol the two parties signed but social democrat leaders refused, "without reason", to attend the meeting, Videanu added.

He stressed that nobody can ban the prime minister from proposing the dismissal of a member of the Government, adding that Boc was willing to find a solution when he requested the social democrats to nominate someone else for the headship of the Interior Ministry, and also to discuss the head of state's propositions.

"The decision of Mircea Geoana and the Social Democratic Party to refuse dialogue might trigger a political crisis for which the party must take public responsibility. The Democratic Liberal Party regrets that the Social Democratic Party found ego more important than reason," Videanu said.

The prime minister and several democrat liberal leaders were at the government headquarters Wednesday morning, where they waited for social democrats to discuss the headship of the Interior Ministry.

President Traian Basescu had talks Tuesday with the leaders of the country's ruling coalition parties, Boc and social democrat leader Mircea Geoana, amid a political dispute that could end with the spilt of the coalition.

Basescu said he proposed to leaders of the country's ruling coalition the appointment of an interior minster who is independent or from the opposition, to ensure neutrality.

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