The windshield of the bus carrying Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana was broken Sunday evening near Bucharest, and the driver said the bus was shot at.
Romanian Social Democrats’ Campaign Bus Hit In Alleged Shooting
Party vice-president Gabriel Oprea said investigations will establish Monday whether a gun was fired at the bus. The incident occurred Sunday evening in Otopeni, near Bucharest, as social democrats were returning from a visit to Prahova county.
Passengers said the windshield was hit at one point and cracked, but the bus didn’t stop. Geoana said at the time it was probably children throwing stones. The driver, however, said Monday that the windshield was cracked by four compressed air gun shots and he didn’t stop for fear of additional shooting.
Vice-president Oprea said the driver did the right thing by not stopping. He added an investigation would clear the circumstances of the incident Monday and the party will decide whether or not to submit a complaint the competent authorities.
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