Romanian Social Democrats Choose Interior Ministry - Sources

Romanian social democrat leaders met Wednesday morning in the Senate and chose to take over the Interior Ministry, leaving the Transport Ministry to the democrat liberals, people close to the talks said.


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Romanian Social Democrats Choose Interior Ministry - Sources

In negotiations with the Democratic Liberal Party, the first option was put up for voting, and the social democrats chose the Interior Ministry over the Transport Ministry.

Thus, according to the initial agreement between the two political partners, the Transport Ministry will go to the democrat liberals.

The social democrats are still in the meeting to decide the next combination of ministries they want to take over, based on the principle they established with their peers in the Democratic Liberal Party.

Afterwards, the other positions in the future Government will be shared based on the parity principle, following the decision of each party’s committee formed of five members.

Social democrat sources said the five leaders in charge of the issue are Mircea Geoana, Miron Mitrea, Marian Vanghelie, Viorel Hrebenciuc and Liviu Dragnea, who will not be part of the next Executive.

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