Romanian Social Democrats Support 10% Election Threshold Proposition Made By President Basescu

Romania's opposition endorses President Traian Basescu’s proposition to implement a 10% threshold for Parliament representation, party spokesman Radu Moldovan told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.


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Romanian Social Democrats Support 10% Election Threshold Proposition Made By President Basescu

Moldovan said social democrats will support a 10% threshold for Parliament representation, as well as implementing the uninominal vote by which the winner of election in the country's constituencies get a lawmaker seat.

"We consider the president's proposition is a good one and we are for implementing a 10% threshold for Parliament representation," said Moldovan, adding the party hopes Basescu will not give up his idea.

Moldovan said social democrats are for amending the current uninominal voting system.

He added the party wishes a fair uninominal voting system so that those who win elections get a seat in Parliament. Moldovan said there are two options, either the one who gets more votes obtains a seat in Parliament, or a two-runoff vote system is implemented so that situations when candidates placed second or third get a seat in Parliament are eliminated.

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday evening, on B1TV, that he supports implementing a 10% threshold for Parliament representation, or a two-party electoral system.

"As long as we rule through coalitions, we won't have a proper government," said Basescu, who stated he supports a system whereby two parties take turns at the helm, with the backing of a smaller party.

Under the current election system, parties need to receive at least 5% of votes to obtain seats in Parliament.

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