Romanian State Employees’ Wages Might Rise 7% In 2011 If 70,000 Are Laid Off – Fin Min

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Wednesday that state employees’ wages might increase by an average 7% in 2011 if 70,000 people are laid off and the state continues to pay a 13th salary.


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Romanian State Employees’ Wages Might Rise 7% In 2011 If 70,000 Are Laid Off – Fin Min

The minister said in an interview for private television Realiatatea TV that the current number of public sector employees that are considered for layoffs exceeds 100,000 people.

Vladescu pointed out that authorities pledged to reduce the number of state employees by 70,000, to 1.29 million, from 1.36 million, adding that next year's salary fund is of 39 billion lei (EUR1=RON 4.2234).

Romania's Parliament has recently endorsed the Government's austerity plan which stipulates that state employees' salaries will be cut by 25% and pensions, as well as other social benefits, by 15%.

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