Romanian State-Owned Railway Co CFR Calatori To Send Entire Staff Into Technical Unemployment

All of the approximately 15,000 employees of Romanian state-owned railway passenger transporter CFR Calatori will be sent into technical unemployment by rotation from Monday until the end of the year, general manager Liviu Pescarasu told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday.


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Romanian State-Owned Railway Co CFR Calatori To Send Entire Staff Into Technical Unemployment

In effect, every employee will not work for two months. During this period, salaries will be cut to 75% and the company will not pay social security contributions.

Similar measures were taken last year at sister company CFR Marfa, which sent 40% of its staff (some 7,000 people) on technical unemployment between July and December.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is preparing a bill to lay off a further 12,800 railway sector employees by the end of September, after sacking 10,361 people early this year, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX. The layoffs will mainly target CFR Marfa (5,000 employees), followed by CFR Calatori (3,900), CFR SA (2,900) and Electrificare CFR (1,000).

Contacted by MEDIAFAX, Iulian Mantescu, president of the Federation of Railway Engineers, said the unions will not stand for any restructuring program and the railway sector's employees will cease activity and take the state to court over any new layoffs.

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