Romanian State Secretaries, State Representatives In Cos Compelled To Donate Benefits

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc called on secretaries of state and state representatives in companies where the state is minority shareholder to donate all their benefits for a period of six months to a national solidarity fund.


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Romanian State Secretaries, State Representatives In Cos Compelled To Donate Benefits

Boc asked ministers, during Wednesday's Government meeting, to dismiss state secretaries or state representatives who refuse to donate their benefits.

"Secretaries of state or state representatives that are members of the management boards of the companies where the state is minority shareholder, including CEC and Eximbank, will donate their benefits for a period of six months in a solidarity fund," Boc said.

The prime minister said benefits granted to state representatives in companies controlled by the Government have already been reduced by 1% of the salary of a secretary of state.

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