Romanian Govt Approves Program To Purchase Materials To Rebuild Flood-Affected Homes

Publicat: 14 07. 2010, 20:49
Actualizat: 06 09. 2013, 02:59

The financing will be provided from the state budget and the National Housing Agency will be in charge of purchasing the construction materials.

According to a Development Ministry press release, county authorities will be responsible for assessing the damage to homes in their jurisdiction and will make proposals concerning their reconstruction or repair. This information will later be relayed to the Ministry, which will set the amounts to be allotted for each area. Local mayors will be in charge of storing, managing and turning over the materials received from the Housing Agency to the families affected by the floods.

Development Minister Elena Udrea said the total cost of a home rebuilt from scratch is around 39,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2596), before the public purchase award procedures. „We know from previous years that the amount becomes lower after the purchase,” said Udrea.

County bodies will monitor the progress on the connection of the new homes to the water, electricity and natural gas networks. Local councils will have to create their own investment projects for new roads, in case the homes affected by natural disasters are moved from their original location.