Romanian Subway Prices Might Hike

Romanian subway network operator Metrorex might hike the prices, starting with January 2008, while the prices for railway transport will remain unchanged, the Ministry of Transport announced Thursday.

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Romanian Subway Prices Might Hike

"Metrorex informs that given the evolution of the consumer price index at the latest price hike, on December 17, 2006, in accordance with the provisions of Emergency Ordinance 36/2001, approved through Law 205/2002 on regulated prices, conditions are met for a price hike starting with January 2008. Metrorex states that so far there have not been any procedures unfolded for the application of this hike," said a press release issued by the Ministry of Transport.

The institution also indicates that the strategy of the passenger transport division of the Romanian National Railroad Company does not target price hikes for December 2007.

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