Romania Second Nuclear Plant Location Won’t Be Set By Yrend

Publicat: 30 10. 2009, 13:59
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:33

„I believe we won’t know the location of the future nuclear power plant this year,” Serban said during a debate on nuclear energy issues.

Romania’s acting Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said Thursday the location of this plant could be revealed in two weeks.

Serban added the envisaged locations are secret.

„The locations are secret given we are not very determined where to build the plant. According to each location in particular, each (company) could choose the technology,” Serban said.

Last week, governmental sources told MEDIAFAX the country’s second nuclear power plant will be built near Somes river, in the central Transylvanian area.

Romania currently has a sole nuclear power plant at Cernavoda that functions with two reactors of 700 megawatts power each, which provide around 20% of the country’s power needs.

The Romanian authorities plan to build another two nuclear reactors at Cernavoda, which are scheduled to become operational by 2015-2016, after EUR4 billion investments.