Romanian Supreme Court Overrules Fmr Judge’s Complaint Against Travel Ban
The Romanian High Court of Justice Friday overruled former judge Florin Costiniu’s complaint against the anticorruption department’s decision to extend his interdiction to leave the country.
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The High Court's panel of nine judges recently issued an interdiction to leave the country against Costiniu, when the former judge was released from custody to be investigated at large. The anticorruption department extended Costiniu's interdiction to leave the country.
Costiniu, who was suspended from his position of Supreme Court judge after his arrest, was released from custody alongside businessmen Costel Casuneanu and Marius Locic and is investigated at large on charges of corruption.
The main defendant in the case is social democrat senator Catalin Voicu, who has been under arrest since late March on charges of influence peddling and fraud, and whose request for parole has been denied twice.
Costiniu's arrest was a first for the Romanian judiciary, as this is the first time Romania placed a Supreme Court judge under arrest. Costiniu, 60, is accused of receiving bribe to intervene with several magistrates in favor of Casuneanu and Locic.
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