Romanian Table Tennis Player One Win Away From ‘08 Olympics

Romanian table tennis player Elizabeta Samara qualified, Friday, in the finals of group S in the second round of the pre-Olympics tournament held in Nantes, after defeating Hungary’s Petra Lovas, score 4-3 (11-6, 6-11, 7-11, 11-9, 11-4, 6-11, 12-10), and is one win away from the 2008 Olympics.


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Romanian Table Tennis Player One Win Away From ‘08 Olympics

Also Friday, Samara will play against Italy’s Wenling Tan Monfardini. The winner will qualify in the Olympic Games held in Beijing.

The pre-Olympics tournament held in Nantes provides 11 Olympics qualifying positions for men and 11 for women. Athletes who fail qualification in Nantes have a second shot in Budapest, between May 8 and May 11, where the last three Olympic positions will be at stake, for men and women.

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