Romanian Tattoo Artists Annual Magazine To Be Launched At Sibiu Tattoo Art Convention
A sixty-page magazine featuring Romanian tattoo artists will be launched in the country’s central city of Sibiu, during the second annual edition of the international tattoo art convention Transilvania Tattoo Expo, to take place on May 28 - 30.
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Convention organizers, the Transilvania Tattoo Club Association, said in a press release Thursday this year's edition of the convention will also see the launch of a magazine presenting Romanian tattoo artists and their best work.
"We've decided to hold this event to help create a community of tattoo artists in Romania and give them the opportunity to work with the best artists, find inspiration and promote themselves. This annual magazine will be the first such publication in the country, said organizer Ovidiu Popartan.
Romania's central city of Sibiu hosted last year in June the first tattoo art convention in the country, attended by 35 tattoo artists from Austria, Bulgaria, Italia, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain, the UK and the United States.
For this year's edition, organizers said more artists have confirmed their participation and have prepared 50 stalls for artists.
Organizers will also give prizes for the best tattoos made during the event and attendants will also enjoy rock concerts featuring Romanian bands Truda and Trooper and American band Koffin Kats.
Organizers said last year's edition had over 5,000 visitors and over 200 people left the event with permanent souvenirs.
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