Romanian Govt Approves 10,300 Layoffs In Railway Sector

Publicat: 05 03. 2010, 19:56
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:47

Most jobs will be cut at the freight division of the state-owned railway company CFR Marfa (6,700 people), the passenger division CFR Calatori (1,100 people), train car maintenance and repair company CFR IRV (800 people), the railway company CFR SA (600 people) and the locomotive maintenance and repair company CFR IRLU (500 people).

The list of railway companies to sack employees also includes SC „Electrificare CFR” (236 people), SC „Intretinere Mecanizata a Caii Ferate” (23 people), SC „Tipografia Filaret” (44 people), SC „Informatica Feroviara” (38 people), SC Reparatii Locomotive „CFR SCRL Brasov” (111 people), SC Vanzare Legitimatii Calatorie „Voiaj-CFR” (73 people), SC Exploatare a Vagoanelor de Dormit, Cuseta, Restaurant si Bar „CFR – GEVARO” (41 people) and CFR Ferry-Boat (20).

Upon termination of their labor contract, employees will get double the average net salary per economy, unemployment benefits, and a monthly income to be granted for a period of 20 to 24 months, depending on seniority.

The government’s rationale for layoffs is that the economic crisis has deeply affected the railway sector and triggered a decrease in railway transport demand in autumn 2008, which plummeted in 2009.