Romanian Teachers To Get Higher Wages Instead Of Vouchers - Fin Min

Romanian teachers will receive an average RON160 raise starting April 1 to compensate for the decision by which the government decided to no longer grant gift vouchers to public sector employees, finance minister Varujan Vosganian said Thursday.


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Romanian Teachers To Get Higher Wages Instead Of Vouchers - Fin Min

"We decided to raise teachers’ salaries starting April 1 by an average RON160. Teachers will get the biggest raise compared to all other state employees. One way of respecting employees is by giving them salaries, not gift vouchers,” Vosganian said.
The minister said Wednesday the Economy and Finance Ministry is considering including gift vouchers in wages and make it easier for employees to apply for loans, for instance.
The government recently approved a decision setting that public sector would no longer receive gift vouchers.
Teachers in pre-university education in Romania’s capital city of Bucharest went on go-slow strike Thursday protesting against the government’s decision.
Gift vouchers are bonuses offered to employees on special occasions such as Easter or Christmas. The value of one gift voucher is RON10 or multiple of 10, but does not exceed RON50.
Early this year, Vosganian said he would propose several measures to lower budget spending in the public sector.

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