Romanian Tour Operators Association Objects Govt’s Lump Sum Tax Plans
Romania’s National Association of Tour Operators (ANAT) said Sunday it is deeply offended by the government’s plans to impose a lump sum tax on tour operators and travel agencies on allegations the sector is prone to tax evasion.
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ANAT said in a press release companies in the tourism sector are among the most disciplined taxpayers.
"The very object of activity of tour operators implies that clients always get contracts, invoices, receipts and vouchers, otherwise they wouldn't get accommodation, transport, and food services. Tour operators have firm contracts and firm payment obligations toward hotel owners, restaurants, accommodation units and airlines and are among the most disciplined companies in Romanian economy," the association said, calling on the government to take travel agencies and tour operators off its list of services to be charged a lump sum tax as of the second half of 2010.
People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX recently the government is working on a list of service providers that will be charged a lump sum tax, to fight tax evasion.
The services proposed for this lump sum tax include, among others, hotels and similar accommodation units, trailer parks, camps, restaurants, catering services, other food services, bars, travel agencies, tour operators, fitness centers, beauty salons, fairs, amusement parks, computer and home appliances repair services and funeral homes.
Since May 2009, Romania applies a minimum tax based on companies' reported revenue. Companies that report profit still pay a 16% profit tax, but no lower than the minimum level.
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