Romanian Tourism Association, 13 Agencies Fined EUR2.45M for Antitrust Practices

Romania's antitrust authority has fined 13 tourism agencies and the country's national tourism association ANAT a total of EUR2.45 million for acting concertedly to keep vacation prices high.


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Romanian Tourism Association, 13 Agencies Fined EUR2.45M for Antitrust Practices

The antitrust watchdog found that, during the period June 2013 – September 2016, 13 tourism agencies coordinated their commercial practices and exchanged sensitive information so as to not allow discounts or price drops for vacation packages.

The agencies fined are Aerotravel S.R.L., Air Fla S.R.L., Corali Holidays S.R.L., Eximtur S.R.L., Fibula Air Travel S.R.L., Happy Tour S.R.L., Nova Travel S.R.L., Paralela 45 Turism S.R.L., Prestige Tours International S.R.L., Prompt Service Travel Company S.R.L., Rezeda World Travel S.R.L., Tez Tour S.R.L., and Touring Europabus Romania S.R.L.

Christian’76 Tour S.R.L., also involved, admitted to the charges and provided evidence, and was exempted from a fine.

Aerotravel S.R.L., Eximtur S.R.L., Fibula Air Travel S.R.L., Nova Travel S.R.L., Paralela 45 Turism S.R.L., Prompt Service Travel Company S.R.L., Rezeda World Travel S.R.L., Tez Tour S.R.L., Touring Europabus Romania S.R.L. admitted to antitrust practices and benefited from a 20% cut in their fines.

The investigation continues to determine whether airline Tarom, which operates chartered flights for tourism agencies, aided or facilitated antitrust practices.

The antitrust watchdog also fined the national tourism association ANAT for forbidding its members who were resellers of vacation packages in September 2012 – April 2016 to offer discounts to customers by lowering their own commissions from tour-operators. ANAT also admitted to the charges and received a 20% fine cut.

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