Romanian Tourism Ministry Agrees To Scrap Limit On Holiday Ticket Fees - Official

Romania’s Tourism Ministry agrees with the proposition of associations in the sector to eliminate the cap on fees charged by tour operators for the sale of vacation packages using holiday tickets, set at 10% in the draft law introducing tickets, state secretary Corneliu Popovici said Thursday.


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Romanian Tourism Ministry Agrees To Scrap Limit On Holiday Ticket Fees - Official

"The Ministry of Tourism agrees with the proposition to eliminate any fee and any limit to allow market economy to work, but this decision must not affect the tourist package or clients,” Popovici said during the Mediafax Talks about Romanian Tourism seminar.

However, tourism minister Elena Udrea said two weeks ago that it would be good to impose a limit on fees perceived this year.

Ministry officials will meet with tourism associations to make a decision in the upcoming period.

Vacations using holiday tickets are paid by employers and offered to employees. According to the Ministry of Tourism, over EUR2 million worth of holiday tickets have been sold so far.

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