Romanian Trans Min Blames Ex-Min For Roads Authority’s ‘Difficult’ Situation

Romania’s public roads authority CNADNR might see its accounts blocked over unpaid debts, said Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, who blames former minister Ludovic Orban for this situation.


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Romanian Trans Min Blames Ex-Min For Roads Authority’s ‘Difficult’ Situation

“Mr. Orban brags about a road with irregularities and with money to be paid “next year” and he put CNADNR in a difficult situation, as it risks having its accounts blocked over unpaid debts. On one hand, he abandoned the DN6 (National Road 6 – e.n.) and now, he denounces the situation…In both cases, the responsibility is his,” Berceanu said in a statement Wednesday.
Orban could not be reached for comments by presstime.
Berceanu’s statements came in reply to a comparison made by Orban between the transportation ministry’s current situation and the one under his mandate.

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