Romanian Transport Min Orders Check-Ups In All Hospitals Under Ministry’s Authority

Romania’s Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said Saturday he ordered check-ups in all 16 hospitals across the country under the ministry’s authority after two women developed severe infections following minor surgeries in a Bucharest hospital.


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Romanian Transport Min Orders Check-Ups In All Hospitals Under Ministry’s Authority

Berceanu said check-ups would start early next week.

Berceanu on Friday sacked the manager of the CFR 2 Hospital in Bucharest, after two female patients who underwent minor surgery there on Tuesday night developed severe infections. The hospital is part of the Transport Ministry's sanitary network, but also treats outside patients.

The Health Ministry has closed down three sections of Bucharest's CFR 2 Hospital for investigation, and Berceanu said drastic measures are in store for whoever is found responsible for the state of the two patients.

Amelia Antoniu, 36, first soloist of the National "Ion Dacian" Operetta Theater, and Alice Roxana Preda, 35, were rushed from the CFR 2 Hospital to the Bucharest Emergency University Hospital on Tuesday night and were placed in intensive care in critical condition, with acute respiratory issues following septic shocks.

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