Romanian Transport Minister Appoints Bucharest Transport Authority Head

Romanian Transport Ministry Anca Boagiu on Tuesday appointed Adrian Crit, former director of Bucharest’s public transport authority RATB, in the position of general manager of the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMTB).


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Romanian Transport Minister Appoints Bucharest Transport Authority Head

The Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority, under the Transport Ministry, is tasked with regulating and coordinating public passenger transport in Bucharest and Ilfov county.

The ministry said in a press release Tuesday, Crit will also hold the position of president of the AMTB Board.

The plan to set up an authority governing every type of public transport in the capital - subway, buses, minibuses, trams, trolleybuses and regional trains - was announced in March by Boagiu and promised to the International Monetary Fund and European Commission.

Boagiu said at the time that the Metropolitan Authority will bring "balance between surface and underground transport," and that investments will be run as always - the Bucharest City Hall will be in charge of public transport authority RATB, and state-owned company Metrorex will manage the subway.

The creation of the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority was approved by the Government at the end of August.

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