Romanian Transports Ministry To Introduce 3-Month Toll Sticker On Aug 1

Romania’s Transports Ministry will introduce on August 1 a road toll sticker valid for three months, but its price has not yet been set, state secretary Eusebiu Pistru told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Transports Ministry To Introduce 3-Month Toll Sticker On Aug 1

"The draft document is currently being debated in Parliament; we will introduce the three-month road toll sticker on August 1 and also implement an electronic system to issue the stickers," Pistru said.

At the moment, drivers can buy stickers valid for one day, seven days, 30 days or one year, with prices between EUR3 and EUR1,210, depending on the type of vehicle.

The electronic sticker issue system will become operational on August 1. Drivers without proof of payment will pay compensations in amounts between EUR28 and EUR1,210 and fines between 250 and 4,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.0824).

Early this year, CNADNR selected the Novensys Corporation/UTI Systems consortium to deliver the system, in a contract worth RON35.96 million, VAT not included.

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