Romanian U.S. DoD Hacker Has College Education

The Romanian young man accused of having hacked the US Department of Defense servers is a Banks and Financial Markets MBA student within the Economy and Business Management University in northeastern Romanian city Iasi, which prompted a univeristy committee to look at his case.


Imaginea articolului Romanian U.S. DoD Hacker Has College Education

Romanian U.S. DoD Hacker Has College Education

The university dean, Dinu Airinei, told MEDIAFAX that Eduard Mandru, aged 23, completed college studies and is currently an MBA student in the same institution.
"We shall analyze the situation and if he is found guilty then we shall see what sanctions are imposed. The decision is not mine, but the ethics committee’s," Airiniei said.
Eduard Mandru was arrested Thursday by organized crime and terrorism prosecutors under the charge of having illegally accessed the servers of the U.S. Department of Defense, causing losses worth EUR35,000.
The young man was arrested for 29 days by the Iasi Court, for "unauthorized access to a computer system" and "unauthorized transfer of data through a computer system". The defendant said he regrets what has happened and he never intended to cause harm.

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