Romanian Umbrella Killer Asks For Italy’s President Support
A Romanian national sentenced to 16 years in jail for killing an Italian woman by stabbing her through the eye with an umbrella on Monday sent a letter to Italy’s president asking him to allow her to do time in a special center, where she could take care of her two children.
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“I prostituted myself to give my children a future. I did not come to Italy to become an outlaw. I’m not ashamed for selling my body every night and I’d give my life to make Vanessa come back to us. But I miss my two children,” Doina Matei wrote in the letter addressed to President Giorgio Napolitano.
Matei killed Italian Vanessa Russo, aged 22, in a fight that broke out between the two in Rome’s subway station Termini.
“Help me, for I cannot take it any longer to stay away from my six and seven-year old children,” the letter read.
“I wanted that day never to come. I no longer have the strength to cope with the suffering in this life. Give me a chance, Mr. Napolitano, you are my last hope. Prison is destroying my life and I am afraid,” Matei wrote.
In the next days, her lawyer will present the request to carry out the sentence in a special center.
Matei was sentenced in December 2007 to 16 years of prison for manslaughter.
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