Romanian Unionists Say Government Conditions Wage Law To Social Contributions Transfer

Romanian unionists said Friday in the aftermath of negotiations with the government that the government refused to renounce the initiative to transfer social contributions from employer to employee and even conditioned the wage law to this bill.


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Romanian Unionists Say Government Conditions Wage Law To Social Contributions Transfer

Cartel Alfa National Trade Union Confederation leader Bogdan Hossu said that the government is basically trying to blackmail the unionists by conditioning the public wage law, aimed at increasing state workers’ salaries, to the social contributions transfer.

National Trade Union Block leader Dumitru Costin said that Prime Minister Mihai Tudose and Finance Ministry Ionut Misa were the ones that told the unionists about the possibility of conditioning the two.

Union leaders underwent negotiations with the government regarding the transfer of social contributions from employer to employee, as they fear this will have a negative impact on the net wages.


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