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Romania Government OKs Merger Of Three Electrica Branches

Romanian state-run power distributor Electrica SA received the government’s go-ahead to merge three of its units into a single supplying company, named Electrica Furnizare, according to a Government decision approved Wednesday.
Romania Government OKs Merger Of Three Electrica Branches
Thomas Dinca
08 sept. 2010, 14:50, English

The new company will include Electrica’s units Transilvania Nord, Transilvania Sud and Muntenia Nord, the decision noted.

Electrica Furnizare will mainly sell energy, but it will be able to unfold a series of connect activities as well.

Transilvania Nord, Transilvania Sud and Muntenia Nord employees will be taken over by the newly-set company.

Apart from the three energy supplying units, Electrica also owns three distribution branches in Romania, in the regions of Transylvania and Muntenia.