Romanian University “Spiru Haret” Among Accredited Institutions

Romanian university “Spiru Haret” was introduced on the list of private accredited universities, with the clear specification that the degrees and the accredited or authorized study programs will function temporarily, government spokesperson Ioana Muntean said Wednesday.


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Romanian University “Spiru Haret” Among Accredited Institutions

“The normative act presented by (education minister –e.n.) Ecaterina Andronescu established the legal frame for the measures proposed by the Education Ministry with the purpose of rendering Spiru Haret University legal”, Munteanu said.

The Bucharest Court of Appeals decided on August 14 to suspend two articles of Government Decision 749/2009 eliminating "Spiru Haret” University from the list of acknowledged universities and banning the organization of 2009-2010 admission contests for new students looking to study at the university.
The university sued the Ministry of Education and the Government for promoting Government decision 749/2009 removing the institution from the list of acknowledged universities and banning the organization of student admission contests for school year 2009-2010.

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