Romanian Writer H.R. Patapievici Confirmed As Head Of Cultural Institute

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Friday signed a decree extending by another four years Horia Roman Patapievici’s mandate as president of the Romanian Cultural Institute.


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Romanian Writer H.R. Patapievici Confirmed As Head Of Cultural Institute

Basescu, who is also honorary president of the Romanian Cultural Institute, last November attended the management’s presentation of the four-year activity report.
The head of state hailed the progress made by the institution over the past four years, saying there is no need for new leadership.
“I do not intend to replace the Institute’s management in January,” Basescu said at the time.
Horia-Roman Patapievici (born in Bucharest on March 18, 1957), writer, physician, philosopher and essayist, has been at the helm of the Romanian Cultural Institute since 2005. 

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