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Romanians Give Top Priority To All Social Problems, Want Authorities To Tackle Them- Poll
Romanians have trouble deciding which social problems should be put on the front burner and believe these problems ought to be tackled mainly by state authorities, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.
Romanians Give Top Priority To All Social Problems, Want Authorities To Tackle Them- Poll
Over 80% of respondents said problems as regards supporting the healthcare system with clean hospitals, equipped with all necessary devices and medicine, creating jobs for youngsters, spotting and promoting talented children, orphans, the environment, and also promoting Romania's culture, history, landmarks and traditions, should all be given top priority and they want state authorities to tackle all of them.
Romanians, however, are less interested in environment-related issues and the promotion of Romanian culture and history, the survey shows.
Over 80% of respondents said state institutions, as well as mayoralties and local authorities, ought to deal with these problems. Romanians also believe these problems are somebody else's responsibility, not theirs.
According to the survey, only 44% of Romanian townspeople say it is in their power to make a change. Romanians also say that not even private companies are obliged to step in and do something in this respect and only 46% of respondents believe private companies should focus their attention on the country's social problems.
A higher percentage of respondents say social problems should be tackled by non-governmental organizations (54% of respondents), by influential and rich people in Romania (59%), or mass media (68%).
Romanians have all sorts of opinions when it comes to their getting involved in social matters. Some say they don't get involved in activities related to social matters because they never get the chance to do that, never have time to do that or simply because they are way too engrossed in personal problems.
The survey was conducted during April- May 2010 on a sample of 80 respondents aged 16 to 64, living in urban areas.
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