Romania Feb New Car Registrations Dn 3 Times On Yr, To 7,182 Cars
The Romanian auto market registered 7,182 new cars in February, down 66.5% compared with 21,423 cars in February last year, ACEA said in a press release Friday.
In the first two months of the year, new car registrations decreased over two times, from 50,918 to 20,965 cars.
The Romanian auto market now ranks third among the ten states that joined the European Union after 2004, and was taken over by Poland, with 30,194 new car registrations in February, up 7.3% on the year, and the Czech Republic, with 9,823 new car registrations, down 7.7% on the year. In 2008, Romania ranked second in the EU-10 after Poland.
The average decline in new car registrations in the EU-10 stood at 30.3% on the year.
In the EU-27, new car registrations posted an average decline of 18%, to 944,721 from 1,151,702 in February last year.