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Romania’s Econ Fin Min Says Min Salary Might Range From RON450 To RON540

The minimum salary might vary between the limit set through the draft law on the 2008 state budget and the value requested by the unions, Romania’s economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian said Monday.
Romania’s Econ Fin Min Says Min Salary Might Range From RON450 To RON540
05 nov. 2007, 15:22, English
However, a proposal in this respect will be presented to the prime minister during the government meeting on November 7, 2007.
Vosganian said estimations indicate a minimum salary of 500, 520, respectively 550 lei (EUR1-RON3.3408), and, based on the outcome of these estimations, a proposal in this respect will be forwarded during the government meeting on Wednesday.
According to the minister, the increase in the minimum salary will have an impact on the gross medium salary and that, the value of the minimum salary will most likely place within the limit set through the law on the 2008 state budget and the value required by the unions, namely RON 450 – 540.
Vosganian cared to remind the fact that the problem with the minimum salary, which both unions and owners’ associations are faced with, had not yet been solved as the two partied have different opinions on the matter.
Vosganian said that, during the meeting with the unionists, they also touched the issue of social contributions. As far as this issue is concerned, the unionists consider that a 6% cut, proposed by the government, is way too high, so they asked for a 4% cut only. The minister pointed out that this demand would be presented during the government meeting on Wednesday.
Vosganian stressed we shall witness a small difference between the two minimum salaries, and in time, we shall see a unification.
The minister cared to stress that one day of general strike is not only expensive, but it also creates tension and we have enough of that on the political stage as it is.
"I do hope we shall hold debates in Parliament on the budget law without street-like disputes," the minister concluded.