Rosia Montana Gold Mining Project On Hold, Urbanism Certificate Null – Romania’s Environment Min
Romania’s Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Monday during the commemoration of ten years since a major cyanide spill at a gold mine in Baia Mare, northern Romania, the Rosia Montana gold mining project is on hold because the project's required urbanism certificate is null.
45 viewsRosia Montana Gold Mining Project On Hold, Urbanism Certificate Null – Romania’s Environment Min
"The project will not continue, as the court ruled the urbanism certificate invalid. My standpoint regarding this issue is unswerving," Borbely said.
The minister said talks with non-government organizations regarding the Rosia Montana gold mining project will be held Wednesday, adding he also plans a visit to the region.
The gold mining project in Rosia Montana is highly controversial because of the environmental issues the investment would cause because it entails cyanide mining.
In 2008, when the country Environment Ministry was run by UDMR's Attila Korodi, his party insisted the Parliament debated with urgency a draft law banning cyanide mining in Romania.
In Bucharest, about 30 youngsters commemorated Monday ten years from the hazardous cyanide accident that occurred in Baia Mare.
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