Ruling Party Accuses President Of Blocking Government Activity

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) urged President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday to “give a reasonable explanation for the systematic blockages” of the Government, referring to the cabinet appointments dispute over new regional development and transports ministers.


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Ruling Party Accuses President Of Blocking Government Activity

“Iohannis needs to offer the citizens a reasonable explanation for the systematic blockages in the last period! Government activity and the country’s interests cannot be at the President’s disposal. We remind Mr. Iohannis that he should represent and respect all Romanians, not only those who support PNL (the opposition Liberal Party, ed.),” PSD posted on its official Facebook page.

This comes after the President announced on Monday that he will refuse, for the third time, proposals made by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila for new regional development and transport ministers, continuing a crisis regarding the offices which started with a cabinet reshuffle in November.

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