Ruling Party Leader Files Request To Make New Statements In Fictitious Hiring Case

The chairman of Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, announced through his attorneys on Monday that he wants to make new statements in the appeal against the prison sentence he received in the fictitious hiring case in 2018, currently judged at the Supreme Court.


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Ruling Party Leader Files Request To Make New Statements In Fictitious Hiring Case

Alongside Dragnea, the former director of child protection agency DGASPC Teleorman, Olguta Sefu, also announced that she wants to make new statements in the case. All the other culprits announced that they will maintain their previous statements.

The requests will be discussed in a hearing set by the Supreme Court for March 18.

Liviu Dragnea, who is also Romania’s Lower Chamber chairman, received a three year and six months prison sentence last June for instigating abuse of office, as he was charged by Supreme Court judges with influencing the fictitious hiring of PSD members at DGASPC Teleorman.

Appeal hearings in the case have been postponed five times since late 2018, due to controversies surrounding the Supreme Court’s five-judge panels.

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