Ruling Party Leader on Presidential Bid: We Will Consider It if I Will Be Physically Able

The chairman of Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, said on Friday that he will think about running in the country’s presidential elections if he will be physically able to, referring to his recent health concerns.


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Ruling Party Leader on Presidential Bid: We Will Consider It if I Will Be Physically Able

“If I will be able to do it physically, we will think about it. For the moment I am able. Right now I am free, I’m with you,” Dragnea said during a PSD rally in Craiova.

The PSD leader recently accused back pain and was diagnosed with hernia towards the end of March.

During the meeting, Drangea also said that President Klaus Iohannis is behind his criminal charges and said that the latter must “pay for all of the abuses” he allegedly committed during his time office.

Approximately 20,000 people attended the rally, according to Gendarmerie estimates.

Romania’s ruling PSD-ALDE coalition has yet to announce its plans for this years’ presidential election, where incumbent president Klaus Iohannis is set to run for re-election. Earlier this week, ALDE leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu said that he is ready to assume a presidential bid, with an announcement to be made following the European Parliament elections on May 26.

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