Ruling Party Leader: Party Dissidents Turning Into ISIS, They Claim Responsibility For Everything

Social Democrat Party (PSD) Chairman Liviu Dragnea issued new attacks on his opponents within the party on Wednesday, even comparing them with the terrorist group ISIS, stating that they claim responsibility for all rumored setbacks suffered by the group.


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Ruling Party Leader: Party Dissidents Turning Into ISIS, They Claim Responsibility For Everything

The Lower Chamber chairman said that the party’s MPs showed on Wednesday, when a motion requesting the resignation Justice Minister Tudorel Toader failed the Lower Chamber's vote, that they refuse to dismiss a minister at the request of the political opposition.

He added that the party will only decide to change ministers inside its own structures, and not as an instrument of the opposition.

“Instead, I saw a site which said that the dissidents foiled some plan. PSD dissidents are slowly turning into ISIS, regarding what bomb goes off who-knows-where in the world, they will claim responsibility for it. This was a very clear signal that if PSD will decide to change a minister, it will do it inside party structures, not as an instrument for the opposition,” Dragnea said on Wednesday.

The dissidents the PSD leader was referring is a group formed out of Bucharest Mayor Gabriela Firea, Regional Development Minister Paul Stanescu, former Defense Minister Adrian Tutuianu and former Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, who unsuccessfully tried to oust Dragnea from party leadership in September.

Unconfirmed reports in the Romanian media say that the dissidents are preparing a new strategy to remove Dragnea from party leadership and Prime Minister Viorica Dancila from office.

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