Ruling Party Leader To “Analyze” Prime Minister Situation after EU Elections

The chairman of Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, said on Tuesday that he will “analyze” the current situation of the country’s government and prime minister after the conclusion of Sunday’s EU Parliament elections.


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Ruling Party Leader To “Analyze” Prime Minister Situation after EU Elections

In an interview for Adevarul, Dragnea also said that he expects a proposal from the prime minister on how to resolve the issue of the three cabinet offices which are currently without a full-time minister.

“I expect for everyone (in the government, ed.) to not forget why they were appointed there. (…) We will analyze it after the elections. This is an advice for everyone: don’t forget why you were appointed there. She (the prime minister, ed.) was appointed there to implement a governing program,” Dragnea said when asked about his relationship with the chief of cabinet.

The relation between the PSD leader and Prime Minister Viorica Dancila is speculated to have become tense lately, after the latter refused to attempt a cabinet to restructuring in order to circumvent President Klaus Iohannis’ refusal to appoint new justice, EU funds and Romanians Abroad ministers proposed by the social-democrats.

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