Ruling Party Leader: We Are In A Dilemma Regarding The Justice Minister

The chairman of Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, said on Friday that the group finds itself in a “big dilemma” regarding Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, as coalition partners ALDE want him to remain in office, while President Klaus Iohannis requested his resignation.


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Ruling Party Leader: We Are In A Dilemma Regarding The Justice Minister

Dragnea stated that his will have to “ponder” the situation, as ALDE Chairman Calin Popescu Tariceanu wants Toader to “definitely remain in office”.

“We must ponder the situation. Mr. Tariceanu says that Mr. Toader must definitely remain in office. Mr. Iohannis says Mr. Toader must go. We are in a big dilemma. We are talking about two marking personalities in Romanian politics and PSD must ponder,” said the party chairman.

When asked about statements made by Toader on Friday, that the amendment project made by the Justice Ministry for the criminal codes “respected EU directives and Constitutional Court decisions” – thus shifting the blame for the bills being declared unconstitutional on the Parliament – Dragnea ironically said that the minister must “wait in line” to criticize the party.

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila is set to announce the result of her assessment of minister in the cabinet on Monday, with a government reshuffle possible next week. Rumors pointed that Toader’s portfolio might be targeted by the reshuffle, despite the minister having the support of coalition partners ALDE.

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